Mission and Values
Byron Wellness Community provides an inclusive multi-generational community fostering purpose-filled lives by focusing on the individualized strengths of our family members.
Byron Wellness Community will fundamentally change long-term-care through compassion and innovation.
Foundational Belief
We join each resident on their journey as guests in their home, advocating on their behalf.
Core Values
An agreement or pledge to do something in the future.
A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system.
Sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it.
Intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction.
To consider worthy of high regard.
Team Member Credos
Ask, Don’t Assume
Assume the best intentions.
Be impeccable with your word
Share only first hand, direct knowledge.
Do your best
Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
Hold me Responsible
Accountability for all and give gentle reminders when we fall short.
Lead by Example
Set the standard while being the standard bearer.
Show Gratitude
Sincere appreciation expressed through words and actions.
Resident Credos
Quality of Life
for our residents is our goal every minute of every day.
Providing purpose and value
to our residents by celebrating individuality through freedom of choice to allow them to dream and achieve.
through compassion, empathy, kindness, and humor.
by honoring our resident’s heritage, self-worth, and family involvement.