Cognitive Engagement Services
Byron Health Center has two Cognitive Engagement Specialists that specialize in helping build up or exercise different parts of the brain.
Our two CES, Elaine and Meredyth, are trained through the Fuerstein Institute and Equipping Minds. Their training allows those with traumatic brain injuries, mental illness and autism spectrum disorders to develop coping mechanisms and learn different techniques to enhance focus, attention and reasoning.
One of the pillars of our Cognitive Engagement program is intrinsic motivation or doing of an activity for its inherent satisfaction rather than for some separable consequence. The team will work to build up confidence in processing new information and making positive decisions without the need for instant reward.
Currently, we work with residents from Byron Health Center and Miller's Place Assisted Living as well as provide outpatient services to adults and children. Many of those that we serve see improvement after just one or two sessions and are able to work within a support system to reinforce learning over time.
This program, funded by The Byron Foundation, was started in 2017 and has seen many successes since its inception. One story in particular is with a young female resident that dealt with both mental health and physical health issues. The Cognitive Engagement team was able to work with her weekly for about a year and her goal was to walk in the Fort4Fitness 4 Miler. She reached that goal and has gone on to live in her own apartment. She continues to receive outpatient services and is just one example of this life changing work.
For more information, such as availability and pricing information, please contact Elaine Haag or Meredyth Mee at Byron today!